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IPhone 6 and iOS7 in preparation?

Developers have found in their historic aircraft named iPhone 6.1 with iOS 7 were connected to their application. Smartphone with IP address goes directly to Cupertino, Apple headquarters.

Apple has accustomed us to discover new products each year. Or at least new versions of its flagship devices. In early 2013, rumors are already circulating about a future Retina iPad Mini and a new MacBook.

News reaches us of The Next Web. According to the website, Apple is now even full test of the iPhone 6 and iOS 7. Many application developers have identified the historical connections of devices called iPhone 6.1, running on iOS7. However, the latest smartphones the brand appear with signatures iPhone iPhone 5.1 and 5.2, iOS 6.

This could still be a hoax from a good hacker who changed the imprint of his unit. But it seems that the requests from the headquarters of the Apple brand in Cupertino (California). Developers have indeed taken care to verify the origin of the IP address of these devices.

According to The Next Web, that confirms that Apple is currently testing new devices in some applications. One might therefore expect a new version of the iPhone in mid-2013, while the iPhone 5 is only available since last September.

Even more surprising, according to Patently Apple site, the next smartphone from the company could be fitted with a pico-projector. A tiny projector that is located on the edge of the iPhone, turning it into a projector. This technology is developed by Sharp and should be marketed in the first quarter of 2013.
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