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PS4: 8 cores and a Radeon Jaguar "next gen"

Sony has unveiled its future as planned console, the PlayStation 4 or PS4. Expected by the end of the year, it marks the return to the manufacturer closer to the core PC than were those of the PS3.

Sony has partially lifted the veil on Wednesday its next console. The Japanese manufacturer was careful to reveal the final design of the future Playstation 4 or PS4, but it nevertheless delivered some configuration details that will lead ... and they do not lack interest: Sony abandons the expensive here indeed Cell processor, source of many evils among developers who worked on the PS3, to return to a similar architecture to that we know in universe PC.

According to documents released by Sony at the end of his press conference, the Playstation 4 will be powered by a processor designed specifically for Sony by AMD, which have 8 execution cores Jaguar and presented a graphical as a Radeon "new generation". The whole is accompanied by 8 GB of GDDR5 memory, a particularly high amount in respect of which team the current consoles.

Unveiled in the summer of 2012, Jaguar is the new architecture that AMD board in the world of mobility. Succeeding in this field to Bobcat, Jaguar takes a run to out-of-order, which means that the processor is able to set the order of processing instructions to optimize it (the PS3 was the Cell type it in-order, with a linear execution).

If actual performance are still unknown, two are particularly noteworthy: the first is that Jaguar is primarily addressed to the notebook market and tablets, which are expected based on previous reports of AMD chips two or four hearts. The architecture used is not the most that is swift, but Sony will benefit from an implementation supporting parallel processing with eight cores discussed. Is it also true of eight separate cores, two quad-assembled or construction type modules with two cores and shared memory as AMD already on other segments? The question remains open for now.

The second is of course the choice of architecture inherited from the PC world, which implies the x86 instruction set. News that should delight especially game developers, and encourage portages between PS4 and PC.

Regarding the graphics, Sony appears to be relatively little to say, merely indicate that next-gen Radeon is capable of delivering 1.84 TFLOPS, without knowing what for the moment AMD GPU family it is inherited. If we compare this raw computing power, delivered without further details, the catalog of AMD, the nearest equivalent in the current ranges proved to be the Radeon HD 7850 and 1.76 TFLOPS. The choice is therefore less ambitious than was that of the NV47 (GeForce 7800 GTX declined) at the output of the PS3, while still opening promising possibilities.

What to expect now in terms of quality graphics for games to come? Many announcements made ​​by Sony and third-party publishers allow for instant amateur polygons on his hunger, with many cinematic licked but little "real" real-time rendering sequences. David Cage (Heavy Rain, Beyond) is still to come the article with some examples of advanced modeling.

For the rest, the PS4 displays equipment similar to a modern PC with a hard disk drive (capacity unspecified) Blu-ray (6x), one USB 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11n WiFi and Bluetooth 2.1. The link to the TV screen via HDMI will without Sony precise time what will be the version of the standard deduction (1.4 or 2.0?). The Japanese manufacturer has also made ​​no reference to any Wednesday capabilities of its future console for 4K / Ultra HD.

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